We offer laser treatments here at Live Oak Family Dental Care here in Leander to help zap your cold sores away!
Laser Cold Sore Treatment in Leander, Texas
Many people suffer from Herpetic lesions, mostly known as “Cold Sores ” or “Fever Blisters“. Thankfully, treating your cold sores is as easy as a visit to your local dentist! Here at Live Oak Family Dental Care, we have the technology to help treat cold sores on your lips and around your mouth in minutes!
You can recognize cold sores just by looking at them. Cold sores form in groups of small blisters. Once the blisters form, they break open afterwards and release clear fluid. Cold sores will crust or scab over and will disappear after a few weeks. Let’s learn about the treatment process and what exactly causes these outbreaks.

What Causes Cold Sores (Herpetic Lesions)?
Cold sores are the result of the herpes simplex virus and causes sores to appear on the lip. The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) consists of two strains: Type 1 (HSV-1) and Type 2 (HSV-2). Type 1 is the most common out of the two mainly because of how it spreads. The Herpes Simplex Virus is usually contracted as a child and can lie dormant for many years! They can be contagious and while we can treat them, those patients who have cold sores will most likely always have the virus, even if it is controlled.
How are Cold Sores Treated?
A cold sore will usually start to heal on its own within a few days of appearing and then disappear in approximately 2 weeks. Most people who get cold sores will want to treat it as soon as possible since there’s discomfort. There are multiple treatments for cold sores including: pills, ointments and cold sore rinses.
If you’re currently dealing with cold sores, laser treatment could be the perfect option for you! Laser treatments can help you prevent and treat full blown blisters. As soon as you feel a cold sore forming, it’s best to act immediately. Now, let’s talk about why Laser Treatment are effective and proven to work.
What are the benefits of using a laser in treating cold sores?
There are multiple reasons why laser sessions are now the top recommended treatments for cold sores! The light energy of lasers can destroy the virus that causes cold sores to form. Pretty awesome, right? Once the lasers penetrate your lips and skin, it can actually stop the cold sores from appearing on your face.
Here are just a few reasons why Laser Cold Sore Treatment is an awesome option:
- High-tech and very affordable
- Laser energy is used to destroy the virus that causes cold sores
- Relief is immediate and fast
- Laser Treatment only lasts a few minutes
- You can get it treated at a Dentist’s office
- Non-Invasive and Fast Healing
- With multiple treatments, lasers can get rid of cold sore breakouts permanently
- Cold sore breakouts will occur less frequently in the area treated

A cold sore will usually start to heal on its own within a few days of appearing and then disappear in approximately 2 weeks. Most people who get cold sores will want to treat it as soon as possible since there’s discomfort. There are multiple treatments for cold sores including: pills, ointments and cold sore rinses.
Do you feel cold sores developing? Contact Live Oak Family Dental Care today, Leander’s best dental practice! We’re experts in laser and dental technology, and can help you control your breakouts for years to come.

Dr. Jackeline Argandoña has been helping patients take charge of their dental health in Leander and all over Central Texas! She’s completed advanced training and is up-to-date with the latest techniques and therapies. As a team, we’re committed to making sure you feel confident in your dental care before you commit to a treatment. Let us know how we can help! We’re happy to answer any questions about Cold Sore Treatments.