wisdom teeth

Before you visit your family dentist near Leander, TX for wisdom teeth extraction, it’s important to know exactly what to expect and how to prepare. Without wisdom teeth extraction, you risk suffering from crooked and unhealthy teeth. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your visit to your family dentist for wisdom teeth extraction.

Ask Your Family Dentist the Right Questions

Your family dentist is there to answer all of your important questions about your tooth extraction. You will want to find out exactly how many teeth will be extracted, why they must be removed, and how complicated the procedure will be. You should also ask about your options for anesthesia, as your dentist may use more than one type during the tooth extraction procedure. You will also want to ask what the risks of the procedure are, and whether you will need additional dental checkups or cosmetic dentistry work soon after the treatment.

Prepare for the Surgery

Your family dentist will give you very specific instructions for how to prepare for your surgery. You will need to arrange for someone to drive you home after your tooth extraction. You may not be able to eat or drink for a certain amount of time before the procedure, and what you drink and eat after the tooth extraction will also be limited. For instance, you should not smoke, drink alcohol, or drink through a straw for a certain period of time after your tooth extraction.

Know What to Expect and Watch for During Recovery

Your recovery time may vary depending on how many teeth your dentist removes, and what procedure he uses for your tooth extraction. Swelling and bruising are normal after a tooth extraction, but you should schedule a dental checkup if you experience bleeding or pain that seems worse than usual. If you have difficulty swallowing or breathing, fever, severe pain, extreme bleeding, swelling that worsens, oozing puss, persistent numbness, or blood in your nasal discharge, call your family dentist or dental hygienist immediately.

